Reconstruction of the former premises of the Slovak Technical University Gabčíkovo

Slovak Univesity of Technology area conversion Gabčíkovo


The goal of the conversion is the adaptation of the existing buildings to the current needs of the given location and the addition of desirable additional functions in the newly built buildings. The reconstruction and rebuilding of the accommodation facilities and buildings 1, 2, 3, 4, fully respects the existing physical and spatial design of the buildings. The reconstruction of buildings 5, 6, 7, 8 into accommodation facilities and apartment buildings was treated likewise.

Project name Reconstruction of the former premises of the Slovak Technical University in Gabčíkovo
Typology reconstruction, residential, office, apartments, conversion, wellness
Location Gabčíkovo, Slovakia
Year 2022
Status Project
Design team Ing.arch. Tomáš Dimun, Ing. Michaela Vatraľová, Ing.arch. Romana Maľová

Mirrored positioned parking buildings 13 and 14 define the street line in relation to Dunajská cesta with their mass. At the same time, they form a natural barrier to communication. In terms of shape, these are rectangular, two-story buildings with a direct internal ramp and a flat roof, used for parking purposes. The facade consists of cladding made of light perforated panels and stainless steel mesh for the possibility of climbing plants.

Connecting and at the same time the entrance object number 11 to the objects of the hostels 1, 2, 3 and 4 is a single-storey mass with a flat roof and a light outer shell. The roof will be used as a park with extensive greenery.

The original administrative building number 9 will be converted into an apartment house with south-facing terraces, using the roofs of the receding floors, after the reconstruction, respecting the current external volume of the building. On the first three above-ground floors, there will be office space for the needs of the campus management and a training center. The object of the cultural and social center number 10 envisages the closure of the currently open, covered internal pedestrian gallery connecting the entrances to the individual rental establishments to the exterior. From an architectural point of view, the proposed form respects the current outline and volume of the building. The study envisages the extension of the building by one floor, with the creation of a central cruciform gallery from which individual shops and outdoor terraces with extensive greenery will be accessible.

Object 12 remains unchanged in its functional and volumetric solution.

Along the perimeter of the main intra-campus road, the construction of perpendicular parking spaces in a sufficient number for the planned functional use of the buildings is being considered.